1. Important! While completing your Breadth Requirements, it is very important to "cross- over" as many courses as possible. Look for Breadth Requirement courses that also count toward the "related coursework" required for your major. Choose strategically in order to graduate on time! Consult the "Coursework Matrix" for Social Studies courses that also count as Breadth Requirements.
In order to maximize your coursework in the Associate in Arts Program and graduate from our program in four years, take as many of the following courses as you can in your first two years. All of these courses are required for History Education. They also count as A & S Group requirements
- ECON101
- ECON103
- POSC150
- GEOG120
- PSYC100
2. Carefully go over the courses required for your major. For example, note the types of History courses that the History Education major requires. They are not quite the same as for a History major! One course—HIST316—is a required course that is offered simultaneously on both the Dover and Newark campuses! Be sure to take HIST316 in Dover. One of the best parts of this course is that it allows you to work on a project with students in local schools—giving you the first taste of becoming a teacher!
3. Save all your course work and syllabi throughout your college career. You will need prior work in order to complete portions of the required Inquiry and Analysis Portfolio by the spring semester of your junior year.
4. If possible, attend the mandatory Social Studies Education orientation session, held on UD campus each September or October. The announcement for each fall's meeting can be found on the home page of this website. We are very happy to meet with you individually as well!
5. GPA requirements for admission to student teaching are a 2.75 cumulative and a 3.0 in your major by February of your junior year. No exceptions! So keep up that GPA!