To receive the
University's recommendation for certification, you must achieve a qualifying
score on the Praxis Subject Assessments (or Praxis II) facilitated by the Educational Testing Service organization. These examinations measure subject-specific
content knowledge. Candidates seeking
certification in secondary social studies in the State of Delaware are required
to take the Social Studies: Content Knowledge Praxis examination (5081) and
achieve a qualifying score of 157.
We recommend that
students take the Praxis II exam over the summer or fall of their senior year but
before the start of student teaching.
The Educational Testing Service provides practice exams. Test booklets can be borrowed from the
Educational Resource Center (ERC) in Willard Hall or are available for purchase
at bookstores.
Register online at the Educational Testing Service.
At the time of
registration, you must designate where you want your test scores sent. You get
3 free copies. You must designate the University of Delaware (5811) as one of
your score recipients. In addition to UD, you should designate the State of
Delaware and one other state where you may want to teach as score recipients. While
UD candidates are required to take the tests mandated by the State of Delaware to
receive the University's recommendation for certification, additional tests may
be required by states other than Delaware.
The Educational Testing Service provides information on testing requirements for each state.