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The Letter and the Spirit: Calligraphy, Manuscripts, and Popular Piety in German Pennsylvania, ca. 1750-1850The Letter and the Spirit: Calligraphy, Manuscripts, and Popular Piety in German Pennsylvania, ca. 1750-1850AlexanderAmesPh.D. Diss2018.00000000000James BrophyChristine Heyrman0
"The Humble, Though More Profitable Art: Panoramic Spectacles in the American Entertainment World 1794-1850""The Humble, Though More Profitable Art: Panoramic Spectacles in the American Entertainment World 1794-1850"NalleliGuillenPh.D. Diss2018.00000000000Katherine C. Grier0
"The Pursuit of Order in Revolutionary New York: Surveyors, Statesmen, and the Making of a Capitalist Landscape, 1757-1796""The Pursuit of Order in Revolutionary New York: Surveyors, Statesmen, and the Making of a Capitalist Landscape, 1757-1796"MichaelPospishilPh.D. Diss2018.00000000000
Designed to Sell: The Evolution of Merchandising and Display in Mid-Twentieth Century Department StoresDesigned to Sell: The Evolution of Merchandising and Display in Mid-Twentieth Century Department StoresAlessandraWoodPh.D. Diss2017.00000000000Katherine C. Grier0
"Speaking 'Indian' and English: The Bilinguals of Seventeenth Century New England""Speaking 'Indian' and English: The Bilinguals of Seventeenth Century New England"JulieFisherPh.D. Diss2017.00000000000Cathy Matson0
Surviving Slavery: Oppression and Social Rebirth in the Urban British Atlantic, 1680-1807Surviving Slavery: Oppression and Social Rebirth in the Urban British Atlantic, 1680-1807MichaelDickinsonPh.D. Diss2017.00000000000Erica Armstrong Dunbar
The Limit of Freedom: Free Love Controversies in the Nineteenth-Century United StatesThe Limit of Freedom: Free Love Controversies in the Nineteenth-Century United Statespdf Diss310.0000000000002017.00000000000Rebecca Davis0
Navigating the World: The Material Culture of Physical Mobility Impairment in the Early American North, 1728-1861Navigating the World: The Material Culture of Physical Mobility Impairment in the Early American North, 1728-1861NicoleBelolanPh.D. Diss2017.00000000000Katherine C. Grier0
"A History of African-American Public School Education in Louisville, Kentucky, 1870-1956""A History of African-American Public School Education in Louisville, Kentucky, 1870-1956"S. SeabrookJonesPh.D. Diss2017.00000000000Raymond Wolters0
Masculinity, Whiteness, and Technology Play in Dirt Track Automobile Racing, 1924-1960Masculinity, Whiteness, and Technology Play in Dirt Track Automobile Racing, 1924-1960pdf Diss2017.00000000000Arwen Mohun0
Out of the Shadows: Uncovering Women's Productive and Consuming Labor in the Mid-Atlantic, 1750-1815Out of the Shadows: Uncovering Women's Productive and Consuming Labor in the Mid-Atlantic, 1750-1815ElizabethJones-MinsingerPh.D. Diss2017.00000000000Cathy Matson0
Against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth: physical confrontations between slaves and whites in antebellum Virginia, 1801-1860Against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth: physical confrontations between slaves and whites in antebellum Virginia, 1801-1860eBook Diss.292.0000000000002016.00000000000Peter KolchinChristine L. Heyrman, Erica Armstrong Dunbar, Anthony Kaye09781370000000.00
Modernizing deafness: Education, public health, and social reform in Mexico City, 1860-1940Modernizing deafness: Education, public health, and social reform in Mexico City, 1860-1940eBook Diss.378.0000000000002016.00000000000Jesus Cruz09781370000000.00
"Eye appeal is buy appeal": business creates the color of foods, 1870-1970"Eye appeal is buy appeal": business creates the color of foods, 1870-1970eBook Diss359.0000000000002016.00000000000Susan StrasserRoger Horrowitz, David Suisman, Warren Belasco0
"It is supposed they went through the Indian nation": the intersections of Black and Native struggles for freedom and sovereignty in the Floridas, 1763-1803"It is supposed they went through the Indian nation": the intersections of Black and Native struggles for freedom and sovereignty in the Floridas, 1763-1803eBook Diss287.0000000000002016.00000000000Cathy D. MatsonRamnarayan Rawat, Erica Armstrong Dunbar, Christine Snyder0
Commerce and connection: Jewish merchants, Philadelphia, and the Atlantic world, 1736-1822Commerce and connection: Jewish merchants, Philadelphia, and the Atlantic world, 1736-1822eBook Diss550.0000000000002016.00000000000Cathy D. MatsonDavid Suisman, Owen White, Jonathan D. Sarna0
The British are coming, again: loyalists, property confiscation, and reintegration in the mid-Atlantic, 1777-1800The British are coming, again: loyalists, property confiscation, and reintegration in the mid-Atlantic, 1777-1800eBook Diss266.0000000000002016.00000000000Cathy D. MatsonErica Armstrong Dunbar, Edward Larkin, Denver Brunsman0
In the midst of liberation: a comparison of a Russian estate and a southern plantation at the moment of emancipationIn the midst of liberation: a comparison of a Russian estate and a southern plantation at the moment of emancipationeBook Diss342.0000000000002016.00000000000Peter KolchinAnne M. Boylan, David Shearer, Russell Zguta0
The Atlantic web of bondage: comparing the slave trades of New York City and Charleston, South CarolinaThe Atlantic web of bondage: comparing the slave trades of New York City and Charleston, South CarolinaeBook Diss361.0000000000002015.00000000000Peter KolchinCathy D. Matson, Erica Armstrong Dunbar, Douglas R. Egerton
The lustrous stone: white marble in America, 1780-1860The lustrous stone: white marble in America, 1780-1860eBook Diss404.0000000000002015.00000000000J. Ritchie GarrisonKatherine C. Grier, Christine L. Heyrman, Wendy A. Bellion
"The seed of the missionary spirit": foreign missions, print culture, and evangelical identity in the Early American Republic"The seed of the missionary spirit": foreign missions, print culture, and evangelical identity in the Early American RepubliceBook Diss304.0000000000002015.00000000000Christine L. HeyrmanAnne M. Boylan, James M. Brophy, Catherine A. Brekus
The acoustic guitar in American culture, 1880-1980The acoustic guitar in American culture, 1880-1980eBook AugustineBozanicPh.D. Diss.394.0000000000002015.00000000000Arwen P. MohunSusan Strasser, David Suisman, Pete Daniel
"Punishment for the sins of Christendom": the antebellum evangelical reaction to Mormonism"Punishment for the sins of Christendom": the antebellum evangelical reaction to MormonismeBook Diss258.0000000000002015.00000000000Christine L. HeyrmanAnne M. Boylan, Rebecca L. Davis, Leigh Eric Schmidt
"To all the great interests" : political economy in the early urban republic"To all the great interests" : political economy in the early urban republiceBook Demirjian, Jr.PhD605.0000000000002013.00000000000Cathy Matson09781303473852.001303473852
From the Moon to the Museum: A Material History of Apollo Space SuitsFrom the Moon to the Museum: A Material History of Apollo Space SuitseBook Diss.406.0000000000002010.00000000000Arwen P. MohunRitchie J. Garrison, Gary May, Roger D. Launius9781120000000.001124240950
From Rags to Riches: Amish Quilts and the Crafting of ValueFrom Rags to Riches: Amish Quilts and the Crafting of ValueeBook Diss.485.0000000000002010.00000000000Susan StrasserKatherine Grier, Bernard Herman, Donald B. Kraybill9781120000000.001124241345
The Gender of Industrial Decline: Reconsidering Sex and Discrimination and Equal Opportunity at Western Electric, 1965-1985The Gender of Industrial Decline: Reconsidering Sex and Discrimination and Equal Opportunity at Western Electric, 1965-1985eBook Diss.399.0000000000002010.00000000000Arwen P. MohunRoger Horowitz, Eileen Boris, Susan Strasser9781120000000.001124240519
"All in the same boat": non-French women and resistance in France, 1940-1944"All in the same boat": non-French women and resistance in France, 1940-1944eBook Thesis122.0000000000002010.00000000000Owen White
Progressively turning human origins discourse on its head: Science, religion, and liberal Catholic irony in the American public square, 1899--1939Progressively turning human origins discourse on its head: Science, religion, and liberal Catholic irony in the American public square, 1899--1939eBook Diss.613.0000000000002009.00000000000Christine L. HeyrmanLawrence G. Duggan, David Suisman, Jon H. Roberts9781110000000.00
Portrait of a woman in a silk dress: The hidden histories of aesthetic commodities in the eighteenth-century British Atlantic WorldPortrait of a woman in a silk dress: The hidden histories of aesthetic commodities in the eighteenth-century British Atlantic WorldeBook Diss.458.0000000000002009.00000000000Bernard L. HermanRitchie J. Garrison, Cathy D. Matson, Wendy Bellion9781120000000.00
"The blood of murdered time": Berlin wool work in America, 1840-1865"The blood of murdered time": Berlin wool work in America, 1840-1865eBook Thesis218.0000000000002009.00000000000Linda Eaton9781110000000.001109385722
Making the farm pay: Persistence and adaptation in the evolution of Delaware's agricultural landscape, 1780--200Making the farm pay: Persistence and adaptation in the evolution of Delaware's agricultural landscape, 1780--200eBook Diss.536.0000000000002009.00000000000Ritchie GarrisonSally McMurry, Lu Ann De Cunzo, Jonathan Russ9781110000000.001109249284
Portrait of a woman in a silk dress: The hidden histories of aesthetic commodities in the eighteenth-century British Atlantic WorldPortrait of a woman in a silk dress: The hidden histories of aesthetic commodities in the eighteenth-century British Atlantic WorldeBook Diss.458.0000000000002009.00000000000Bernard L. HermanRitchie J. Garrison, Cathy D. Matson, Wendy Bellion9781120000000.00112408620X
What's love got to do with it? The social life of comic valentines, 1870-1920What's love got to do with it? The social life of comic valentines, 1870-1920eBook Thesis177.0000000000002009.00000000000J. Ritchie Garrison9781120000000.001124086293
The development and meaning of firefighting, 1650--1850The development and meaning of firefighting, 1650--1850eBook Diss.351.0000000000002009.00000000000Arwen MohunPaul T. Durbin, Bernard Herman, John J. Hurt9781110000000.001109249160
Why fly? A social and cultural history of private aviation in post-World War II America: 1945--1985Why fly? A social and cultural history of private aviation in post-World War II America: 1945--1985eBook Diss.747.0000000000002009.00000000000Arwen P. MohunSusan Stasser, David R. Shearer, Joseph J. Corn, Deborah G. Douglas9781110000000.001109248903
Fallible guardian: The social construction of railroad telegraphy in 19th-century AmericaFallible guardian: The social construction of railroad telegraphy in 19th-century AmericaeBook MichaelSchwantesPh.D. Diss.263.0000000000002009.00000000000Susan Strasser9780550000000.000549924973
Mycenaean corsai : a reassessment of late Helladic III piracyMycenaean corsai : a reassessment of late Helladic III piracyeBook Jr.M.A. Thesis130.0000000000002009.00000000000Steven Sidebotham9780550000000.00
The development and meaning of firefighting, 1650--1850The development and meaning of firefighting, 1650--1850eBook Diss.351.0000000000002009.00000000000Arwen MohunPaul T. Durbin, Bernard Herman, John J. Hurt
Mycenaean corsairs: A reassessment of late Helladic III piracyMycenaean corsairs: A reassessment of late Helladic III piracyeBook, Jr.M.A. Thesis130.0000000000002008.00000000000Steven Sidebotham9780550000000.00054981115X
Making space for children: The material culture of American childhoods, 1900--1950Making space for children: The material culture of American childhoods, 1900--1950eBook Diss.345.0000000000002008.00000000000Ritchie J. GarrisonKatherine Grier, Lu Ann DeCunzo, Abigail A. Van Slyck9780550000000.000549811494
'To give good sport': The economic culture of public sporting events in early America, 1750--1850'To give good sport': The economic culture of public sporting events in early America, 1750--1850eBook Diss.783.0000000000002008.00000000000Cathy D. MatsonRitchie J. Garrison, Steven C. Bullock, Anne Boylan9780550000000.000549925589
Nostalgia and pragmatism: Dioramas of the Montana Historical SocietyNostalgia and pragmatism: Dioramas of the Montana Historical SocietyeBook Thesis123.0000000000002008.00000000000Pauline Eversmann9780550000000.000549753923
"By legal or moral suasion let us put it away": Temperance in Baltimore, 1829--1870"By legal or moral suasion let us put it away": Temperance in Baltimore, 1829--1870eBook Diss.286.0000000000002008.00000000000Anne M. BoylanChristine L. Heyrman, Peter Kolchin, Ronald G. Walters9780550000000.00
Class, culture, and color: Black Saint-Dominguan refugees and African-American communities in the early republicClass, culture, and color: Black Saint-Dominguan refugees and African-American communities in the early republiceBookJohnDaviesPh.D. Diss.239.0000000000002008.00000000000Peter Kolchin9780550000000.00
'To give good sport': The economic culture of public sporting events in early America, 1750--1850'To give good sport': The economic culture of public sporting events in early America, 1750--1850eBook Diss.783.0000000000002008.00000000000Cathy D. MatsonRitchie J. Garrison, Steven C. Bullock, Anne Boylan9780550000000.00
"A grand and ceaseless thoroughfare": The social and cultural experience of shopping on Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, 1820--1860"A grand and ceaseless thoroughfare": The social and cultural experience of shopping on Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, 1820--1860eBook Thesis195.0000000000002008.00000000000Katherine C. Grier9780550000000.000549926933
"By legal or moral suasion let us put it away": Temperance in Baltimore, 1829--1870"By legal or moral suasion let us put it away": Temperance in Baltimore, 1829--1870eBook Diss.286.0000000000002008.00000000000Anne M. BoylanChristine L. Heyrman, Peter Kolchin, Ronald G. Walters9780550000000.000549812172
Good food for little money: Food and cooking among urban working-class Americans, 1875--1930Good food for little money: Food and cooking among urban working-class Americans, 1875--1930eBook Diss.288.0000000000002008.00000000000Susan StrasserArwen Mohun, Anne Boylan, Warren Belasco9780550000000.000549754237
Class, culture, and color: Black Saint-Dominguan refugees and African-American communities in the early republicClass, culture, and color: Black Saint-Dominguan refugees and African-American communities in the early republiceBook Diss.239.0000000000002008.00000000000Peter KolchinErica Armstrong Dunbar, Howard Johnson, Emma Werner-Lapsansky9780550000000.000549924825

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